Our Newest Addition:  Jordan Sue November 28, 2006

  more Jordan Sue  

Jordan's New Friend

April 2007, Grandma and the Gang -- Or Part of it anyway...

Back row L-R, Tyler, Kolton, Cheyenne, Sam and Christian.  Front row, Aidan, Allison, Gregg Alan and Gregg Anthony.


  Aidan Matthew  November 4,  2005

and his little cousin, Gregg Alan January 14, 2006

Karen & the Zoo Jan 2006

Gregg and Gregg Alan "Chip off the Old Block"

Christmas 2005 Allison (3), Tyler (9) and Aidan(1 month)


Gregg Alan April 2006

  Sam, Gregg Anthony, Christian, Kolton, Cheyenne and Gregg Alan (Spring 2006)

  Gregg Alan is happy to share his treat with his cousin, Aidan (spring 2007)

Kolton and Allison with Grandma in August 2002...
They were born only 12 days apart!

Allison September 2005 - All dressed up... And quite the little diva!

Beware of Kolton.... He's fully loaded!  June 2005

     Keith and Gretchen  Dec. 1999

Keith's wedding April 15, 2000

Mom and me with (from L to R) Charlie, Kim, Gregg, Veronica, Gretchen, Keith and Christian

Keith & Gretchen at Shedd's Aquarium, Chicago - April 2005

  "My Boys"  November 2000 (California)

Christian (2), Tyler (5) and Gregg (1 month)

  "My little buddy"  Christian  April 2000


Tyler, Aidan, Grandma Pat and Allison, Virginia Beach Jan 2006

...How quickly they grow up!

Christian's Kindergarten Graduation June 2005 (Hawaii)


You can take the boys out of Illinois...  

Christian (5 3/4), Gregg (4 1/2) and Kolton (3 3/4) June 2005    


   Gregg, After a day at the beach... June 2005

Exploring the giant sea turtles at North Shore Beach... July 2005


L - R Cheyenne (14), Sam (12), Madison (6), Christian (6), Gregg (4 1/2) and Kolton (3)

Veronica and Gregg Arthur June, 2005

Cheyenne and Veronica shopping at Ala Moana Mall, Honolulu's premier 4-story mall, June 2005


    "Then..."  Charlie (8th grade graduation) and Kim June, 1990

"and now!" June, 2001

Spring 2007,  Charlie and Kim with Tyler, Aidan and Allison (VA Zoo)

    My favorite fishing hole...  Charlie and Tyler, California July 2000

Veronica and Christian, Waikiki, June 2005

Gregg and Karen's wedding

Las Vegas 03-03-03

L to R Cheynne, Michelle, Sam and Madison (front center)


  California 2000    

April 2005, Pekin, IL

April 2005, Pekin, IL

Michelle and Dani, my first great-grandchild, April 2005

         Spring 2006

Top Row L to R - Sam, Gregg Anthony, Christian

Middle Row - Kolton and Cheyenne

Front Row - Madison and Gregg Alan


Gregg entertains the troops with a little help from Christian and Gregg... June 2005